The Kollel Boker was started a month ago by Rabbi Smith from the Miami Beach Community Kollel. About 30 Baalei Batim from the Miami Beach community have joined the Kollel which starts with Shacharis at 6:45, and concludes with learning from 7:30 to 8:30. Coffee and refreshments are served daily. Additionally, every Friday morning, one of the Baalei Batim says a short chaburah on the sugya that was learned that week.
This week the Kollel Boker is honored to have Rabbi Shustal Shlita say a shiur on the sugya of "Mitzvois Assei Sh'hazman Grama".
The Kollel Boker is located at Miami Beach Community Kollel - 3767 Chase Ave.
Kollel Boker Zichron Boruch is L'iluy Nishmas Reb Boruch Hollander Z"L.
For more information visit