Aug 31, 2010

Labor Day Shiur in Choshen Mishpat Kollel

Click to Enlarge

Pistachio Gourmet Grill Under KM

"Pistachio Gourmet Grill" has recently been added to the list of establishments certified by Kosher Miami, The Vaad HaKashrus of Miami-Dade.

Pistachio is located at 740 Arthur Godfrey Road in Miami Beach (formerly Sam's Deli), serving low to moderately priced items with tastes from Israel, Latin America and Mediterranean cuisine.

Their phone number is
(305) 538-1616 or
(305) 535-6558.
For a complete list of certified establishments, please visit our web site at

Taste Encounters Now Under KDM

 "Taste Encounters" has recently been added to the list of establishments certified by Kosher Dairy Miami.
Taste Encounters is  located at 2162 NE 123rd Street in North Miami, selling gourmet food items and gift baskets to order.
Both Cholov Yisroel and Non Cholov Yisroel products are available, as well as Pareve products.
Their telephone number is
For a complete list of certified establishments, please visit our web site at

Aug 30, 2010

Kashrus Alert - Removal of Hashgacha

Effective August 30, 2010,  "Aventura Pita" located at 18129 Biscayne Blvd., is no longer under Kosher Miami supervision.
For a complete list of certified establishments, please visit our web site at

The Midrasha at Safra

Click To Enlarge

Aug 25, 2010

Yarzteit Sharei Tefila

This coming Sunday - August 29th -
we will be commemorating the first Yahrtzeit of
Dr. Raymond Bloom, Z"L. 
We will be starting at 6:15 p.m. and
we look forward to having you can join us.

Aug 23, 2010

Baruch Dayan Emes

With great sorrow, we inform you of the passing of


Mr. Avraham Guzi,


Father of Yaffa Kirat and Cochava Sharaby  

Shiva will be observed until Sunday morning, August 29th, 2010 

1015 NE 169th Terrace, NMB


(786) 457-9180 



May the family be comforted among the mourners of

Tzion and Yerushalayim.

Aug 17, 2010

First Yartzeit of Chazzan Moshe ben Shimon Orbach Z"L

Join the Kollel for a siyum mishnayos in memory of Chazzan Moshe Orbach Z"L on the occasion of his first yartzeit.
Tomorrow, Tuesday evening
Maariv 9:45
Siyum 10:05 (after Maariv ) 
In the Kollel
3767 Chase Ave. Miami Beach FL
Light refreshments.

Baruch Dayan Emes

With profound sorrow we record
the passing of ALAN SEIF, ע"ה,
brother of Susie Selmar.
The funeral will occur Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 3:00pm atMt Sinai Memorial Park Cemetery1125 NW 137th Street Miami, FL 33168-6099

Aug 5, 2010

PHOTOS: Satmar Yartzeit Seuda at Kerestirer Shtibel of Miami Beach

1st Picture: Rabbi Yoikel Grosz Shlita - Talmid of the Rebbe zt"l speaking with Reb Yisroel Ephrati who spoke at the evebt; and Rabbi Shlomo Feivel Shustal Shlita - Rosh Yeshiva Torah Temimah of Brooklyn, who gave the main address.

2nd Picture: Crowd at the event.

3rd Picture: Rabbi Yoikel Grosz Shlita - Talmid of the Rebbe zt"l speaking.

4th Picture: Rabbi Shlomo Feivel Shustal Shlita - Rosh Yeshiva Torah Temimah of Brooklyn, giving the main address.


This Thursday night, Kuf Vuv Av is the 31st Yuhrtzeit of the world renowned Reb Yoel of Satmar zt"l. In honor of the event, K'hal Beis Yeshaya D'kerestir hosted a Yuhrtzeit Seuda L'iluy Nishmaso.

Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Temima Delivers Historic Shiur at Miami Beach Kollel Boker

Miami Beach - Tens of Baalei Batim and Yungerleit sat spellbound when the renowned Reb Shlomo Feivel Shustal Shlit"a explained the Shita of the Sefer HaChinuch by mitzvos Asei SheHazman Grama.

Rabbi Shustal who is staying in Miami Beach for the week, agreed to say a shiur at the Kollel Boker, after being very impressed with the daily early morning Limud HaTorah that takes place at the Miami Beach Community Kollel.

Rabbi Shustal Shlita first expressed his excitement about Baalei Battim starting the day off with the holy Torah. He compared it to the hinge that will enable the door - the rest of the day - to swing smoothly. He then went on to explain a complex contradiction between two Tosafos, and an analytical approach to answer the Chinuch.
Tonight, the Rosh Yeshiva is scheduled to deliver the main adress at the Satmar Rebbe's Yohrtzeit Seuda which will take place at the Kerestirer Shtibel located at 34th and Prairie Ave. in Miami Beach.

Aug 3, 2010

Rabbi Shlomo Feivel Shustal Shlita to Say Shiur at Kollel Boker of Miami Beach

The Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Temimah who is staying in Miami Beach this week for vacation, will be delivering a shiur at Kollel Boker Zichron Boruch on Thursday morning at 7:45 am.

The Kollel Boker was started a month ago by Rabbi Smith from the Miami Beach Community Kollel. About 30 Baalei Batim from the Miami Beach community have joined the Kollel which starts with Shacharis at 6:45, and concludes with learning from 7:30 to 8:30. Coffee and refreshments are served daily. Additionally, every Friday morning, one of the Baalei Batim says a short chaburah on the sugya that was learned that week.

This week the Kollel Boker is honored to have Rabbi Shustal Shlita say a shiur on the sugya of "Mitzvois Assei Sh'hazman Grama".

The Kollel Boker is located at Miami Beach Community Kollel - 3767 Chase Ave.

Kollel Boker Zichron Boruch is L'iluy Nishmas Reb Boruch Hollander Z"L.

For more information visit

Aug 2, 2010

Message From Ahavas Torah

Due to unexpected circumstances, all scheduled davening and learning of Ahavas Torah will take place at the Jewish Learning Center (upstairs) at 411 41st Street for the next couple of days.- Night Kollel, Daf Yomi, and Maariv tonight- 7:30 and 8:30 Shacharis tomorrow morning- Mincha at 6 PM tomorrow- Night Kollel, Daf Yomi, and Maariv tomorrow nightwill all take place at the Jewish Learning Center.

Baruch Dayan Emes

With great sorrow, we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Rose Neufeld, A"H Mother of Rabbi Jay Neufeld. The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010 at 2:30 p.m. at Beth David Memorial Gardens 3201 N. 72nd Avenue

Hollywood, FL 33024(954) 963-2400  

Shiva will be observed at Rabbi Neufeld's home -  Tuesday afternoon through Monday morning, August 9th, 2010 - 16750 NE 10th Avenue, Apt. # 216, NMB(Newland Gardens)

Rabbi Neufeld can also be reached at. (305) 316-7099  

Mincha/Maariv – 7:55 p.m.
Wed, Fri – 7:15 a.m.
Thurs, Mon – 7:00 a.m.
Sun – 8:30 a.m.

Aug 1, 2010

Satmar Yartzeit in Keristerer