Aug 3, 2010

Rabbi Shlomo Feivel Shustal Shlita to Say Shiur at Kollel Boker of Miami Beach

The Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Temimah who is staying in Miami Beach this week for vacation, will be delivering a shiur at Kollel Boker Zichron Boruch on Thursday morning at 7:45 am.

The Kollel Boker was started a month ago by Rabbi Smith from the Miami Beach Community Kollel. About 30 Baalei Batim from the Miami Beach community have joined the Kollel which starts with Shacharis at 6:45, and concludes with learning from 7:30 to 8:30. Coffee and refreshments are served daily. Additionally, every Friday morning, one of the Baalei Batim says a short chaburah on the sugya that was learned that week.

This week the Kollel Boker is honored to have Rabbi Shustal Shlita say a shiur on the sugya of "Mitzvois Assei Sh'hazman Grama".

The Kollel Boker is located at Miami Beach Community Kollel - 3767 Chase Ave.

Kollel Boker Zichron Boruch is L'iluy Nishmas Reb Boruch Hollander Z"L.

For more information visit