Aug 5, 2010

Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Temima Delivers Historic Shiur at Miami Beach Kollel Boker

Miami Beach - Tens of Baalei Batim and Yungerleit sat spellbound when the renowned Reb Shlomo Feivel Shustal Shlit"a explained the Shita of the Sefer HaChinuch by mitzvos Asei SheHazman Grama.

Rabbi Shustal who is staying in Miami Beach for the week, agreed to say a shiur at the Kollel Boker, after being very impressed with the daily early morning Limud HaTorah that takes place at the Miami Beach Community Kollel.

Rabbi Shustal Shlita first expressed his excitement about Baalei Battim starting the day off with the holy Torah. He compared it to the hinge that will enable the door - the rest of the day - to swing smoothly. He then went on to explain a complex contradiction between two Tosafos, and an analytical approach to answer the Chinuch.
Tonight, the Rosh Yeshiva is scheduled to deliver the main adress at the Satmar Rebbe's Yohrtzeit Seuda which will take place at the Kerestirer Shtibel located at 34th and Prairie Ave. in Miami Beach.