Jul 8, 2010

Meeting For New Seminary in North Miami Beach

The community is invited to attend a meeting with the Hanhala (Directors) of a new women's seminary that will be opening very soon in North Miami Beach.  It will be called The New Seminary of Miami.

The Seminary will enable post high school women of all ages to earn a Bachelor's Degree in as little as one full calendar year, in a local heimishe and tznius environment. Graduates from this Seminary have gone on to earn advanced degrees in the fields of: Special Education, Social Work, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Accounting, Business Management, Nursing, Real Estate Management and many more.

This meeting will give everyone interested, an opportunity to meet the Hanhala (Directors) and see what the Seminary has to offer to the women of our community. Women of all ages are welcome to attend.

The meeting will be held this Sunday, July 11th, 2010, at the home of Dr. Dovid and Nechama Bistritz, located at 1200 NE 173rd street, NMB. The meeting is called for 3 pm.  Please kindly respond your intentions to attend to  thenewseminaryofmiami@gmail.com