Jul 5, 2010

PHOTOS: July 4th Holiday Shiur at Kollel Choshen Mishpat - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Holiness

As Americans all over the country awoke on July 4th to head for the beach and prepare their grills, forty men from Miami Beach decided to do something different.

Attorneys, physicians, and businessmen joined the Choshen Mishpat Kollel Sunday Program to learn. In Yeshiva Beis Moshe Chaim, Rabbi Dovid Schoen held a fascinating lecture on the intricate psak of HaRav Moshe Feinstein on the famous life and death question of the conjoined Siamese twins. At the time, surgeons, ethicists, and the Supreme Court were involved in the decision of the fate of these twins.

Dr. Koop, the surgeon on this case, who later became the Surgeon General, was quoted saying to defer the complaints of waiting from the others involved, "The ethics and morals involved in this decision are too complex for me… I referred it to an old rabbi on the Lower East Side of New York. He is a great scholar, a saintly individual. He knows how to answer such questions. When he tells me, I too will know."

The Kiddush Hashem of this exceptional situation was followed on a small scale by the gathering of professionals in the Beis Medrash on this secular vacation day. This was the culmination of the Sunday Program for this zman. The Kollel will continue to the Sunday learning again with the start of the Elul zman. For the Recording of the shiur, email Info@CMKollel.com.